
   Okay, time to blow away the cobwebs and offer up an updated "Welcome" page. Of course the more interesting stuff is on the main page so who knows why you're bothering to read this?
   Seriously there's nothing to see here. Over on the promised land there are reviews and articles based around my thoughts and opinions on various media related thingies. But this Welcome page is just sad. It wishes it were in the lime-light but it's not. It just isn't good enough. So as a bonus for coming here anyway, here's a picture of me in some goggles.

You're still here? Well okay, you can read what went before... but come on, it's sooo last year.

 Welcome to my brand new blog. It still seems an odd thing to say, starting a blog. To me it summons up images of my 13 year old self exploring the relatively new world of the internet and attempting to start a diary of sorts. Or of Barney from "How I Met Your Mother" constantly mentioning his own blog. I wonder if there's a Barney Stinson page somewhere? If I know anything about the internet there will be as well as a porn version (though in this case the two may be one and the same).
  I'm going to try my best to not let this blog be the equivalent of a 14 year old girl starting a pink myspace page, to tell the world about her hamster and fascination with the anime show Naruto. The idea of starting this came from a magazine suggesting to use a blog as a way to practice writing articles. And before then I had been looking for a home to some of my fictional writing. So here it is. I have some ideas as well as an already written article waiting to be used so let's hope this welcome post doesn't remain the only one for long.

Silly past me thinks this is a great place for my short stories (it isn't). At least I can sympathise with past me's dislike of Myspace and Naruto.