Saturday 26 February 2011

Emma The Writer?


  Welcome to my brand new blog. It still seems an odd thing to say, starting a blog. To me it summons up images of my 13 year old self exploring the relatively new world of the internet and attempting to start a diary of sorts. Or of Barney from "How I Met Your Mother" constantly mentioning his own blog. I wonder if there's a Barney Stinson page somewhere? If I know anything about the internet there will be as well as a porn version (though in this case the two may be one and the same).
  I'm going to try my best to not let this blog be the equivalent of a 14 year old girl starting a pink myspace page, to tell the world about her hamster and fascination with the anime show Naruto. The idea of starting this came from a magazine suggesting to use a blog as a way to practice writing articles. And before then I had been looking for a home to some of my fictional writing. So here it is. I have some ideas as well as an already written article waiting to be used so let's hope this welcome post doesn't remain the only one for long.

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