Monday 7 March 2011

Twit Twot Twatter

  I’m a very cynical person when it comes to new technology. In fact take away the word “technology” and that sentence would still be correct (if a little grammatically questionable). When it comes to the new I become the equivalent of a racist granddad rocking in his chair and complaining to his kids about the foreigners who moved in to the house them nice Johnson’s used to own.
  My phone is a cracked hand me down. It doesn’t connect to Twitter or Facebook. It doesn’t have Spotify. It has the internet but it’s so slow and useless it’s barely worth mentioning. But I don’t mind. I don’t have this urge that everyone seems to have been infected with since the birth of the internet, to be in contact with everyone they’ve ever known at all times. I left my phone in my car for days on end once because I couldn’t be bothered to go and retrieve it. I recounted this story to someone and they stared in horror at the very idea of being without their phone for so long.
  I like not being texted and rung constantly. Though it helps that I have a boyfriend with a fancy i phone. A mixture of him having free texts and calls and the fact we share half of the same friends means that a lot of messages arrive to me through his phone. It’s like having my own secretary to pass message on to me. (Though I don’t think he’d like the analogy).
  Anyway back to the point. The whole reason of this little article was to announce my move in to the world of Twitter. When the website started I really didn’t get the point. I just saw it as an extended Facebook page where only people’s statuses are visible. Actually that’s probably a very accurate description. Millions of people updating their Twitter pages every time they leave the house or have a successful bowel movement (points to anyone who can find examples of either).
  I’ve spent years denying new websites and technologies because of my cynicism. However there is something else about me. I’m stubborn, but only for a while. I like to think I’m fair. I give these things a chance to put their arguments for existing forward, even if it takes a couple of years for me to listen. So after all this time in denying the social network age, I’m tagging photos on Facebook, starting a blog and updating Twitter to tell people I have a blog. I’ve even started browsing the Orange shop for a new phone, one with Spotify, e mails and a twitter update. So let’s hope I don’t meet Emma from the past or she may slap me in the face for conforming to the majority. Gawd Past Emma sounds like such a friggin’ hippy.

1 comment:

  1. (it's very hard to post on this blog btw emma! I've had to figure out how to post on it as my wordpress is self hosted, thus me having no actual wordpress account, boo! So my livejournal account will have to do)

    I love this post it made me laugh several times while reading it! I'm going to be checking your blog posts regularly, make sure to tweet when you blog!

    It's so weird that I used to scoff at twitter and facebook, now they've become tools in self promotion and marketing. huh.
